Mon. May 20th, 2024


Dear Colleagues, 

On behalf of the organizing committee, it is our pleasure to invite you to the 19th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy (ICIFMS-19 ). The ICIFMS-19 event was initially supposed to take place during 29/6-3/7/2020 at the National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, Moscow, Russia, with Igor S. Golovin as chairman and Francesco Cordero (CNR-ISM, Rome) as co-chairman. The conference has been postponed of two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the new international situation in which Russia is involved forced us to move the organization to Rome, maintaining the established dates 27/06-01/07/2022 (one day pause on 29/6, holiday in Rome).

The conference will take place both in virtual mode and in presence in the head administration building of CNR, piazzale Aldo Moro 7, near the University “La Sapienza”, but for participants in presence there will be none of the usual services, such as assistance for travelling, lodging, accompanying persons, etc. In fact, all the funds that the organization had in Moscow cannot be used in Rome and, with the present difficulties for travelling, we preferred to run the conference mainly in virtual mode and with a minimum fee of 60 €, rather than increasing substantially the fee

The conference is the 19th in a series that began in Providence (USA) in 1956 and continued in Ithaca (USA, 1961), Manchester (England, 1965), Providence (USA, 1969), Aachen (Germany, 1973), Tokyo (Japan, 1977), Lausanne (Switzerland 1981), Urbana (USA, 1985), Beijing (China, 1989), Rome (Italy, 1993), Poitiers (France, 1996), Buenos Aires (Argentina, 1999), Bilbao (Spain, 2002), Kyoto (Japan, 2005), Perugia (Italy, 2008), Lausanne (Switzerland 2011), Hefei (China, 2014) and Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil, 2017).

The ICIFMS-19 is a great opportunity for the exchange of experiences and ideas in research focused on theory, advances and applications of anelasticity in materials physics, high and low damping materials and on internal friction, mechanical spectroscopy, dynamic-mechanical analysis and related techniques.

We also encourage and invite scientists from neighbouring research fields to share their expertise, which will make ICIFMS-19 a stimulating event. 

The Conference program will consist of plenary, invited, long (17 min + 3 min discussion) and short (8 min + 2 min discussion) talks. Abstracts for the long and short talks will be evaluated according to author’s preference, quality and impact. ICIFMS-19 and the Journal of Alloys and Compounds (impact factor 5.316 in 2020) is publishing a Virtual Special Issue IFMS-19 already consisting of more than 40 papers. All submitted papers are peer reviewed according to the Journal rules and immediately published after acceptance at no cost. The deadline for manuscript submission is 30 April 2022, while that for the submission of abstracts for oral presentation without a corresponding manuscript is 27 May.

In order to spread the interest in the field of anelasticity, the virtual participation without presentation is free of charge, while the fee for participating with presentation of a contribution is 60 €. A maximum of 250 online participants will be possible and registration will be necessary in order to receive the link for participating.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we look forward to meeting you in presence or virtually!

Igor S. Golovin and Francesco Cordero

Chairmen of ICIFMS-19